I continue to watch the web for more info about Holly Mann. Most people who have worked with her material and been involved in her forum, feel like this:
Holly Mann Is The Genuine Article
By The Davinator
How do you become as successful as Holly Mann? It seems that Holly has had a significant effect on women marketers trying to break into the field. Holly, being a single mother herself, is really seen as a hero in many other womens minds. She brings hope to people that have found themselves in similar situations.
Holly was more less broke when she started marketing online. Soon after she proved that a person can indeed go from near penniless to earning from ten to twelve thousands dollars a month inside a span of four months. It's certainly not easy, or the normal type of success seen by most online marketers in that short of time, but, she went ahead and proved that it can be done. But then, a person with Holly's determination and drive is not normal either.
Holly Mann's influence is felt by people from all walks of life. She has brought help and hope to both men and women in her subtle caring nature. Holly Beth Mann created the book Honest Riches 2 and it's sold over 30,000 copies to date. I highly recommend Holly's book to anyone that I come across online, as it was where I got my start. She has personally helped me to change my path and the direction of success in my life. To date, Holly has been able to have success in a variety of niche markets. She is very skilled in the knowledge of organic SEO,
and does know how to get very good search engine rankings for her many sites.
Holly's book covers a lot of ground in many different aspects of online marketing. It's a very good introduction to the many ways of making money online, and it's also based on some of the exact strategies that have made her enourmously successful herself. According to Holly, the methods in her book really don't leave anything out as to what has worked for her in creating her own little private online empire. The book even contains a couple of things that seem so simple, but have proved to be very profitable for her.
Does Holly just have a bit of a midas touch? Perhaps, but some people in this world do indeed seem to attract success at higher levels than some others no matter what they do. Strange karma? I'm not to sure, but I will say, she deserves every bit of it. She's helped so many people online and off, in so many ways.
The one thing that people out there must understand about marketing online is that it does require a lot more work to become successful as they initially would expect. It's not really to surprising though, when you consider all of the sales
pages out there that make it sound so easy. The one thing that most people purchasing making money products online must understand, is that perhaps the methods outlined don't tell the whole story of how a person really got to the point of having as much success as they currently do.
Many writers of books seem to leave out many of the hurdles that had to be crossed before they could really start to work efficiently online. Don't kid yourself here, marketing online is pretty tough for new people at the game. If you have absolutely no knowledge of creating web sites, auto responders, payment
processors and all the rest of some of the required tools to be effective, it will take you longer until you are efficient at getting things accomplished. Holly herself, had a fairly good background in site design and quite a good understanding of how to make money online before she decided to go at it full time. Having said that though, Holly's book is the best book I've come across for people to get a good solid understanding of the business and what is primarily involved.
The very best suggestion I can give people when they purchase a book such as Holly Mann's, is to also seek out some other training for site design and the other aspects needed. These things are not very hard to find though, and most are available for free. If you are using platforms such as WordPress of Joomla, there is tons of free video training available. The same goes for auto responders. There is training available usually right at the suppliers sites to understand how to make sense of their functions.
It may take a bit of learning, and a strong desire to keep pushing ahead with some of the frustration in the early stages of working online. But, in the long run, it's very exciting when you are starting to become effective in what you have been learning. With the right tools, some good video instruction, and Holly Mann's excellent online manual for learning how to make money online, you will be sure have some good success with the proper mental attitude.
About the Author: Davin Ogden owns and operates several successful web sites on the internet. He especially enjoys viral marketing strategies. To find out more about Holly Mann and her book please visit one of his sites at
Source: http://www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=237197&ca=Marketing
By The Davinator
How do you become as successful as Holly Mann? It seems that Holly has had a significant effect on women marketers trying to break into the field. Holly, being a single mother herself, is really seen as a hero in many other womens minds. She brings hope to people that have found themselves in similar situations.
Holly was more less broke when she started marketing online. Soon after she proved that a person can indeed go from near penniless to earning from ten to twelve thousands dollars a month inside a span of four months. It's certainly not easy, or the normal type of success seen by most online marketers in that short of time, but, she went ahead and proved that it can be done. But then, a person with Holly's determination and drive is not normal either.
Holly Mann's influence is felt by people from all walks of life. She has brought help and hope to both men and women in her subtle caring nature. Holly Beth Mann created the book Honest Riches 2 and it's sold over 30,000 copies to date. I highly recommend Holly's book to anyone that I come across online, as it was where I got my start. She has personally helped me to change my path and the direction of success in my life. To date, Holly has been able to have success in a variety of niche markets. She is very skilled in the knowledge of organic SEO,
and does know how to get very good search engine rankings for her many sites.
Holly's book covers a lot of ground in many different aspects of online marketing. It's a very good introduction to the many ways of making money online, and it's also based on some of the exact strategies that have made her enourmously successful herself. According to Holly, the methods in her book really don't leave anything out as to what has worked for her in creating her own little private online empire. The book even contains a couple of things that seem so simple, but have proved to be very profitable for her.
Does Holly just have a bit of a midas touch? Perhaps, but some people in this world do indeed seem to attract success at higher levels than some others no matter what they do. Strange karma? I'm not to sure, but I will say, she deserves every bit of it. She's helped so many people online and off, in so many ways.
The one thing that people out there must understand about marketing online is that it does require a lot more work to become successful as they initially would expect. It's not really to surprising though, when you consider all of the sales
pages out there that make it sound so easy. The one thing that most people purchasing making money products online must understand, is that perhaps the methods outlined don't tell the whole story of how a person really got to the point of having as much success as they currently do.
Many writers of books seem to leave out many of the hurdles that had to be crossed before they could really start to work efficiently online. Don't kid yourself here, marketing online is pretty tough for new people at the game. If you have absolutely no knowledge of creating web sites, auto responders, payment
processors and all the rest of some of the required tools to be effective, it will take you longer until you are efficient at getting things accomplished. Holly herself, had a fairly good background in site design and quite a good understanding of how to make money online before she decided to go at it full time. Having said that though, Holly's book is the best book I've come across for people to get a good solid understanding of the business and what is primarily involved.
The very best suggestion I can give people when they purchase a book such as Holly Mann's, is to also seek out some other training for site design and the other aspects needed. These things are not very hard to find though, and most are available for free. If you are using platforms such as WordPress of Joomla, there is tons of free video training available. The same goes for auto responders. There is training available usually right at the suppliers sites to understand how to make sense of their functions.
It may take a bit of learning, and a strong desire to keep pushing ahead with some of the frustration in the early stages of working online. But, in the long run, it's very exciting when you are starting to become effective in what you have been learning. With the right tools, some good video instruction, and Holly Mann's excellent online manual for learning how to make money online, you will be sure have some good success with the proper mental attitude.
About the Author: Davin Ogden owns and operates several successful web sites on the internet. He especially enjoys viral marketing strategies. To find out more about Holly Mann and her book please visit one of his sites at
Source: http://www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=237197&ca=Marketing